Wade Otto
4425 W 300 S
Topeka , IN United States
RM-15424 - Emma Lake's Dutchess
Mare, born March 04, 2008; out of Cindy, by S-1015 - ZAVALON (100%).Foaled March 04, 2008.
M-15567 - EMMA LAKE'S DAISY (75%)
Mare, born June 09, 2014; out of RM-15424 - Emma Lake's Dutchess, by S-3335 - FISHERS FIRESTONE.Foaled June 09, 2014. Owned through June 21, 2017. -
G-13523 - CHAMP (1/2 DHH)
Gelding, born April 30, 2009; out of RM-553 - Baywood Buckeye, by Taron.Purchased June 15, 2013. Owned through June 15, 2013.